Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy FUNNY New Year

I wanted to wish you all a happy new year, but in all honesty the change in he final digit of a date has been the least drastic change in my life this week (so non-monumental in fact I attempted to sleep through it... although it turned out to be another failed attempt as the $200 worth of firecrackers outside my bedroom window sounded like repeated gunfire. But that's funny. It's funny. Because it has to be. I am continually amazed by the power of perspective. And well folks, I am pretty sure there are 10 million things about this country that cannot, from any perspective, be considered humorous... and I am sure you will be hearing plenty about those in upcoming months. So for today I want to focus on the things I need to find funny...

From the looks of my children in this photo – their lives haven't changed one bit...

Except their house is huge... so huge in fact we have 3 bathrooms!! All of them complete with toilets that cannot accommodate toilet paper …

but never fear Honduras is not short on plastic bags to accommodate. Also each bathroom has a handy-dandy shower thingy that gives some heated water through this electrical gizmo.... oh and we found out today that the one in the kids bathroom also sprays them with electric current so we are down to only 2 showers :).

They only thing bigger than our huge house is the huge insects that inhabit it... check out these 2 ordinary ants trying to haul of a Honduran ant carcass... poor little workers... I'd hate to see how many of them it takes to haul off one of our cockroaches.

To foil the mammoth house we have mini appliances. Like our fridge?

And stove?

Me too... they suit well the fact that I have to do grocery shopping on foot.... so like every 3 hours I'll be at the store. With this stash of cash, that I am guess will buy a week's worth of groceries...

not that I'll buy that at one time.. I can't even store an orange (which is green here) or a bag of milk. And when I'm not at the store I'll be doing laundry in my new laundry machine.

I love it. I can already see my biceps growing.

Let's take a trip to my front porch. Love the view. Oh and here is one of 3 locks I have to go through to leave the compound (And yes Alison- I do lock them all and I do think of you every time!)

Then, here is the view from our street. Typical Honduras, as near as I can tell – immense beauty meshed with... immense problems.... but we'll get there... I'm sure.

I read somewhere that the difference between mockery and satire is it can only be satire if you love the thing you mock.... and know this … I love my life here... I'm not complaining... just amused... but tomorrow we start school... all three of us... then I'll be tired and then my tiny fridge won't be funny at all... I can already tell...

In the meantime – check out Mr. Adventure and Ms. Lazy pants... she has still shown no interest in rolling.. or anything really other than chilling.

P.S. Here is our local park... I think it makes the one at our church back home look stelar! Oh and this is the golf course … next to the park.... notice the LOVELY fence.... I will NEVER get golf courses... EVER... what is it doing here?

PS - I wrote this Sunday and today Lucy rolled over like 10 times and we all loved school.... sort of.. we are exhausted...


tia toni said...

Your living room looks huge!! I expect to see a video of Lucy rolling over next week on this site or on facebook ;)

Anonymous said...

Is this the place that Chrissy found? So, how did Jude do and how did you do sending him to school? Love, Sommer

Unknown said...

So here was my progression of things:
1. You're kidding me (when trying to figure out showers, appliances, etc)
2. Okay, so this is quaint (when my mind finally catches up with me in that I'll have to somehow get used to this)
3. Whatever (when you are now resigned to how things are)
4. And the final stage - "what's wrong with my frig?" (when guests come over and stare in awe at your tiny frig).
All fun aside - all the things shown, I'd probably be okay with - the frig thing - that's GOT to go :-) See you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I love you. I love your spirit, your bravery, your ability to cope with anything, your laughter through tears approach. ~happy sigh~

I'm sure you will have it all figured out by the time I get down there!

You all are in my thoughts and prayers every single day.


Karine and Tom said...

Welcome to La Ceiba! I completely relate with the realizations and discoveries you've made. We've got the same lovely shower heads, and they definitely take some getting used to. There are definitely some places to buy used appliances if you're ever interested in replacing the fridge. Just let me know and I can try to point you in the right direction! It looks like we share the same neighborhood park- a shame that it's not better maintained, but then it wouldn't quite be Honduras- gotta love it!