Friday, January 16, 2009

Keepin' it real

So, several people have asked me if I am going to be able to blog more now... I really should. I'd love to. I am honored that you care to read it. And I probably won't. Like every 10 seconds something funny happens or shocks me and I just want to share it so bad... but then something else happens and I want to share that and by the end of the day I think I should just write a book – but instead I conjugate verbs and then NOTHING seems interesting. And I know in a month or so I will have adjusted so much I won't even think any of this (the giant ants carrying away whole pieces of bread as a team, the funny people from the government who came to replace my light bulbs for free, the really long stories about my landlady who IS my MOTHER all over again, the $3 over -the-counter antibiotics for a cough, the really long stories made longer by a language barrier the size of the great wall, and the home "improvements" they have done since we have gotten here that have current left us with large cords all over the front yard, no screens in the window, and faucets that drip when we have water, etc., etc.) is worth writing about – so I should now – but we'll see. But here is a special friday addition:

He can't be sent out alone. I have done most of the shopping here since I have a head start on the language, have some idea what groceries should cost, and for a few scheduling reasons. But the other day Jarod went out alone and now he is resting easy in the hammock he has been insisting on since day one. (hammock - $15, rope - $2, knives to cut the rope - $1, mosquito repellent coils - $1, matches to light the coils - 50 cents, flashlight - $5, clothespins - $3, coffee -$3, headphones w/ mic to turn his ipod into a phone -$15, ---- 2 hrs. shopping for random stuff and 2 hours relaxing in the personal oasis... PRICELESS... or so I hear.)

We have created a monster. Jude took this picture yesterday and it went like this,
“Ok, now I'll take a picture of you two... get together, now mom you put your face like this, dad you do this, I'll turn the flash on, just like that, GOT IT!” I think I need to teach him a little about angles... not so flattering... but he did get our heads!

It's all gonna be ok. Today Jude either started getting an ear infection or has learned the art of playing hooky in only 7 short days of school. He cried a lot this morning but did fine after I made him go to school and then this evening he played soccer in the rain with 3 of the neighbor kids. After that we went over to the home of some missionaries for dinner, had wonderful time with them and their 2 children and then on the walk home we ran into some friends from school and chatted for a bit. But the way I have it figured if we can walk less than 5 blocks and have 3 groups of people to visit with... it is all going to be ok. Oh yeah and yesterday when I was walking to my school with the kids a lady we know who sells candy near Jude's school stopped and gave us a ride... so, it's gonna be ok.

Here he is playing soccer in the rain with a cold and an ear infection... I know, I am such a good mom...

Finally, the grammar on my blog heading is wrong. It is really horrible spanish – the word “desperadO” is masculine which contradicts the feminine phrase it applies to. I should have known that. But that is where we are.... in REALLY BAD grammar land... and since it took me 5 months to add Lucy's photo I am thinking we are staying in “bad grammar land” for a while... it's apropos ... so deal with it. And thanks for reading... you're the best!

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