Oh, and by the way a 90 year old woman with a walker made this exact journey with us... plus 2 more bus rides.... now that's dedication.
Here are some more -real to daily life photos:
Jude, with his two favorite neighbors:
My two favorite men leading the way to our friends' house at the beach... and the women across the street are carrying fish home from the beach. I will be able to balance those things before I leave.... maybe
Here are my thoughts:
We aren't in Kansas anymore boys.
Beachfront cow pasture.
Maybe their beef is so tough because their cows have never seen a real pasture.
Do you see all that garbage? Do they eat all that garbage?
Cow poop... sand... I think they are probably pretty hard to separate.... nice beach
Lucy, looking as happy as could be at the beach... oh and some great news... I found no-sugar baby food after a two week search... so don't send any my way... it is actually really cheap at this one store.. I'm assuming because no one else buys it!
Notice... she is into the sand.... (uuurrr... cow pasture?)
Love the video! Really helps put things into perspective!
We loved the video. It really helped to see where you are living as my imagination gets carried away sometimes. The kids look great!!! Boy, that Lucy is getting so big. Jude, Uncle Bruce said to tell you hello. We think of you often and pray for you.
Love, Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bruce
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