Monday, February 2, 2009

First love and food born illness

At 17 no one really knows who they are or what they need. You change hairstyles and colors as often as you change underwear... or maybe that was just me. But anyway, at 17 there is one thing I knew about myself. I would ALWAYS need someone to take care of me when I start puking. I was at a friend's house one time when both she and I, as well as her little sister, started puking. We lined up on a fold out couch in front of a TV with individual puke buckets in hand. Their mother dutifully and with much sympathy changed out the buckets about ever 15 minutes. But on one of my MANY trips to the bathroom I saw their mother puking silently and privately as. I knew I could never do that. EVER.
My mom was on puke patrol in our house. No matter how wonderful and compassionate my father is, once dinner starts come back up – he is out the door – leaving mom to hold my hair – because I have NEVER been a graceful puker. But what I lack in grace I make up in quantity... if some people have iron stomaches, mine must be made out of silver leafing.
So, at 17 when I came down with food poisoning in the front seat of a car on interstate and the driver graciously maneuvered the car and held all my hair back while gently consoling me, I asked him to marry me. True story.
And yesterday it proved to be a VERY good idea. As Lucy and I both came down with a nasty form of inevitable food poisoning, Jarod was hand washing puky sheets and caring for everyone without a single complaint. I couldn't help but think, “Man, I was one smart 17 year old!” and, “I wonder if when I said, 'I always want you to be there to hold my hair back when I puke,' he assumed I would always have the 'beautiful long' hair he so loves?” Sorry man.
I have also spent a lot of time in bed, not only thanking God for my awesome husband, but praying for those of you with chronic illness and those of you who care for loved ones who will not be fully recovered in 48 hrs. So I guess everything has a silver lining... even the most thinly lined of stomachs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you are feeling better now. I know your folks are on their way and they are so excited to see all of you. I hope you have a wonderful visit with them. I loved the blog and stories of all the people you deal with from day to day. Give Jude and Lucy a big hug for me. Love to all of you.
Aunt Sandy