Now this is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it."
Haggai 1:5-6The first day we were here, while walking to the grocery store, still reeling from Burger King's with armed guards, golf courses lined with tin shacks, and an overall juxtaposition of hopelessness and beauty that makes no sense, my sister-in-law informed me that, “Right now the Honduras economy is getting worse.”
In short, this because American's are buying fewer underwear. That's right, the economic crisis is literally hitting us in the rear and we have cut back on an “essential” purchase, such as underwear. This hurts Honduras because - our underwear is all made in factories here. Fruit of the loom, Hanes, Polo, Ralph Lauren, etc. etc. Because if you bought American-made underwear with products grown, wove, and sown in the U.S., by people making an American wage they would cost you over $25 a pair. So our underwear is made here, right along side the fruit we eat, and yes, even the military uniforms that the U.S. wears. Honduras is so much closer to you than you think, and the way we each live out our worldview matters more than we want to believe.
If we continue along the materialistic path that we have been following for the past 3 generations the only hand you and your children have in saving the world is to buy more underwear. In the global economy the roll of Americans is to buy stuff. If we do not keep up our buying then the other people around the world can't do their buying... and then all 'progress' will stop and there will not be a Starbucks on every corner around the world and there will no longer be clientèle who can afford $4 a cup coffee. We must buy. Therefore our government must give us a boost, a stimulus, a big -ol- chunk of imaginary cash and get the world back on buying track. I know nothing about economics, which is really bad because it is becoming ever more evident that, “money makes the world go round” - but I think our current economic situation is nothing more than a result of our collective sin nature. We'll run with greed as long as we can get away with it.
Our global society seems to have very little to do with creating and sustaining – nurturing or honoring. Quality workmanship is not for the masses, and health is only for those with wealth. Here, where people really can't afford to buy new things every few weeks, planned obsolescence has reached obscene heights, and common sense has been wiped out through advertising. “Buy this cheap thing NOW to last 2 weeks because you can never afford what you really need for life.” That makes sense. “Buy these 100 calorie over priced Oreos and diet coke to help you loose weight instead of growing and eating a tomato.” It makes perfect sense. Keep the poor always wanting more and the rich in fear of letting it go, and those of us in the middle convinced that all we want is “opportunities for our children.” This is how the world must turn.
But what if it isn't? What is we find out that no matter how much underwear we buy we will never make enough jobs to supply jobs for all the world's poor? And what if we discover that no matter how much good coffee we drink we won't find happiness? What if our children grow up to be the best little shoppers in the world and feel completely empty? What if we find out that money only makes the world spin out of control, and that we need Someone greater to show us how to correctly spin it, and how to really save it? What if this whole thing falls all to bits and we have to look for a new way to live in this planet and with each other? Maybe then we will be on a road to living for the Global Creator instead of the global economy... I hope so, because I hate to think that maybe the chief end of my children is to buy more underwear.
P.S. I know a large portion of ya'll are going to disagree with my underlying presuppositions and conclusion ... so if you want to put your two cents in... that would be great!