Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Because I should blog

That's all there is to this – just sitting down because I haven't in a month.

Jude read the Bible for the first time Sunday, Psalm 119:9-16, all by himself and he understood what he read. It was beautiful – I almost cried – and Lucy has been walking around for 2 days now pretending she can read too. Actually Jude said he figured out he could read and understand it on time during a “REALLY LONG” Catholic Mass.

That's the news on the kids. They are beautiful, healthy and hilarious. Lucy still can't say her “s's” but she is getting closer every day. She still misses Asli, but has been a real trooper, serving me tea and plastic eggplants for months on end while I have been catching up on computer projects. Jude is doing so well in school – he hates it – but in an “every kid” kind of way. And besides he explained the reason for leap years... so he's contributing to society already.

I finished a video for our friend's the Lowery's as they head off into the wild world of raising financial support to go on the mission field in Thailand. If God tells you to – you should support them – they are really wonderful people. But deep down I think I am hoping that people only support them if He speaks to them in an audible “SUPPORT THE LOWERY'S” voice... because honestly our family is not thrilled with their leaving.
I am still working on that ridiculous brochure of Western Kansas but it is turning out really sweet I think, and I am almost (cross-my-fingers) done. I've begun working on a update of Bethesda's brochure, but have gotten a bit distracted with Santa Fe trip planning for our family of 12 over spring break.
I just came back from the most amazing weekend with Andrea in Dallas where we spent three days giggling like school girls and crying and eating – and commiserating our mommy-hood shortcomings. It was beautiful. REALLY – beautiful. Thank you.
So, I have been spending all this time on the computer and prepping for trips, and spring is coming early, biting at my heals and I would just honestly rather haul compost into my new raised beds than spend time journaling my life. But one day I will forget all this, so I should blog. I will forget that our church family just blessed us with beautiful support and that my mom went through the ringer finally trying to knee surgery. I will forget the painful, yet exciting transition months as old students prepare to leave and new students begin to look at the home. I will forget the Numana conference, Faisal's lovely art show, Turkey's warm visit and that Jarod got a 91% on a test – when he gave himself an ulcer thinking he might not pass. These winter months have passed quickly and this has been a house of learning and growth as always. “Dynamic,” Heather says. Yes. Just no time to contemplate the dynamism and what exactly it might be doing to our souls.

But – just because I know a lot of mom's read my blog – and I don't want to forget, I will share one of my favorite things from the mom conference. I am implementing a lot of these into our family life.

1.When you child asks a stupid question – because there are STUPID questions – instead of going into a lecture just says, “I'll give you two guesses.” For example the daily winter question of, “Why do I have to where a coat?” Should not be followed by a weather report or an assertion of authority but rather, “I'll give you 2 guesses” - and when they say “because it is cold” - you get to tell them how smart they are and how much you love them.
2.In any given repeat situation where you normally lecture your children, for example, being too loud, being mean to someone, not eating their food, asking for candy at 9 a.m. You just ask them, “What am I going to say?” And chances are they can give your lecture for you. It saves so much time, and they can practice their public speaking on a rehearsed speech.
3.“Do overs”. This means that anytime someone does something wrong, instead of getting mad, just ask them if they would like to “do that over.” For example when Jude hits Lucy for taking away a LEGO piece I can say, “Jude, let's do that over.” Practice makes perfect... and the best part is MOMMYS get do over's too – like when I flip out I can say, “Crazy lady is gone now – let's do that over with nice mommy.”
4.Remember – they are not out to get you. No one in your house is conspiring to make it filthy, or to somehow magically all be picky about a different food, or to wear a ridiculous amount of clothing, or get sick one after another for a month on end. It just happens – it isn't against you and your plan.
5.And finally. God is not finished. With them. With me. We get to be a work in process together – growing and changing every day. Love that process... love being a part of other's process and allow them to grow you as well.

Isaiah 55:8-12
The Message
"I don't think the way you think.
The way you work isn't the way I work." God's Decree.

"For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.

Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth,

Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,
So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed.

They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them. "So you'll go out in joy, 
you'll be led into a whole and complete life. The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause.
No more thistles, but giant sequoias, 
no more thornbushes, but stately pines— Monuments to me, to God, living and lasting evidence of God."

Also... Lucy has been getting into photography lately which is good - because I've been getting out of it (I think sub-consciously to shorten the time it takes me to make the stupid year end video!!)
Here's a great photo that she posed with me and chit-chit... one of the few where she got more than 1/2 my head.

She's also been into makeup and riding bikes. She really is a born leader... roping grandparents into being models and students into building bike ramps.

And here's some photos of the amazing girls weekend. Please note that the bedtime gloves are to heal my cracked and bleeding hands (aren't your proud Al?) And yes, we did eat at rain forest cafe without children :)

Have a mentioned that SOMETIMES - I am a fun mom and we eat ice cream, cram way too many kids in our van, or let them throw baseballs at each other? :) shsshhhh.. don't tell the health/safety mommy police.

My poor mother... she has to put up with a lot, and dad and I just aren't the support she needs during rough times. But here's what I am thinking... if I can't figure out how to be a nice daughter, God at least put all of these international students in her life - through my life - so they can all tell her how wonderful, beautiful, and amazing she is.

They are right - she is.. and I hope she has a wonderful birthday tomorrow and an even better knee surgery next week :)

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