Monday, March 26, 2012


So we went to Santa Fe over spring break - 12 of us - and it was the first time in 2 years this big old house had been empty. Literally. I think I could hear her sigh relief as we left the state.
And when we came back, through the snow storms of Colorado - it was spring in Kansas. Trees and flowers in full bloom, asparagus and peas clear through the rain drenched soil - a yard that needed mowed last week and a pond to de-scum. Friends ready to run and picnic at the park, foods ready to grill, a world record amount of marshmallows to roast, chickens to chase and every store calling my name with a perennial, "PLANT ME!"
I'm ready... I guess. I love spring and all it brings... even the changes - the dandelions and the Chinese stranger who offered to sauté some up for us (actually tasty). The soccer to cram into the already tight schedule the shorter nights and longer days - when homework just doesn't seem a priority when we are learning to ride a bike. And even the count down until the end of the school year.
We are gearing up for Easter and the Spring ice cream social - and today the ad came out in the campus flier that we are offering home stays. 4 calls. They all sound so friendly, and I should say, "We would love to have you stay with us, but you will have to pardon the crying over the loss of those you will be replacing."
Saad is leaving tomorrow and we are not sure what to say even.
So instead we take too many pictures and make jokes.
I say, we are offering a discount for any student who will pick and cook their own dandelion breakfast each morning.
Kills two bird with one stone. Always so many birds to kill - so much to get done... and so much to do well.
Too bad I am not in the mood to kill birds... I just want to hear them sing.
This spring I will listen.

Also, I have been told my captions suck - so here is my attempt at improved description.

We went to Bandelier National Monument and saw cliff dwellings from the Puebloan people of long ago. We joked about how we might be at the oldest cultural sight in our country... and yet it was still a millennia younger than the sights of our students' homes. The U.S. is perhaps historically impoverished.

We got into the modern art and music of Santa Fe. Well... a little...

Saad: The guy who is leaving us tomorrow. :(

Oh - these are the kids before the "World's largest Marshmallow Roast" in Marion, Ks on Saturday. Poor Lucy and Kinzie weren't even old enough to roast a mallow!!

Back in Santa Fe. Salah (Saad's Cousin and the only student staying with us through next year!) I think he would make a lovely cowboy. :)

This is Allen, Seonjin's boyfriend. He's nice. He has a good camera. We have adopted him as part of our family. And he is holding "baby monkey" (As Lucy was known on the trip.)

Like I said, "we got into the art of Santa Fe." :)

Kingson won the weirdest face award - I will cherish this photo FOREVER.

Oh here is is trapped in a freak snow storm in Raton NM - where we ate the worst Mexican food EVER. The best was in Dodge City, Ks.

Saad, Salah, Tony, Marrina, Jessie, Seonjin - behind them are some petra-glyphs ... and I can read the writing on the wall and I am pretty sure it says, "You will miss them when they are gone!"

Here the girls and I are at the top of the Tent Rocks - we were some amazingly unprepared but persistent hikers.
And they were climbers...

Oh - and back at the World's largest Marshmallow roast in my mom's home town--- I ran into about 20 relatives... here are my Uncle Rocky and Aunt Shirley Joe... off to the fire...aren't they adorable?

And here is a marshmallow eater if I ever saw one (oh and that little shadowy effect? not on purpose - my camera is just broken) Good thing spring break is over - I am tired out just by talking about it... and my camera is obviously done too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great, they really are better with captions. I should probably work on that, too. It made me a little sad, too, but they have been fun to have around! - Chrissy