Thursday, November 18, 2010


Wasn't this blog template transformation amazing?!

The template is called 'awesome' and the font is called 'trebuchet' - you can't get much better than that.

We're waiting online for a phone call from Honduras, so you can thank David and Olga and Central American appointment times for the update... (by the way - their daughter is adorable!! and I think i'll just go cry myself to sleep now missing them!)

Also you can tell by the photo I chose I don't plan to update the blog look often. The kids just change too much to be in a static header.

Well, I'm always like that.
really. that happy.
I wish I lived with that perky, awesome girl on my blog.

P.S. Just for fun. Last night Jarod and I were watching 'House' and as always their patient had this super cool disorder - only this time he would "mirror" the Alpha in the room. So all these people got glimpses into their own inner thought life by the patient reading their actual opinions of every situation. I ask Jarod what he would say if he was mirroring me. He's lame - so he wouldn't (either that or he figured there was no way it would end well). So mirror me - what am I actually thinking in that photo?

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