Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ode to motherhood

On September 12th Joslyn Quinn Gaudry was born in Cabridge, Massachusetts.

On October 11th Levi Duane Denham was born in Hays, Ks.

On October 21st Anna Hunt McCann was born in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

On October 28th Elliana Faith Bernard was born at Loma Linda, in Southern California.

On November 3rd Ezra Randell Hankin was born in Morristown, NJ.

On November 9th Eugene received official word that he will be adopted into the Lowery family.

I love these children's mothers. In turn I have stocked their various pregnancies and journeys into motherhood (or re-motherhood) over the last 9 months (or two years in Gene-o's case) with awe and prayer. The women who have born these children in the last two months couldn't be more different, but I respect each of them deeply for the unique perspectives and strengths they will raise their children with. I am overjoyed at their safe arrivals, and though I may have been horrible at keeping track of due dates (and wrote this blog so I would have a written record of the births) I am thrilled to be surrounded, even at a distance, by such strong and wonderful mothers.

Let's just say it like this. It is really good to know that at 4 a.m. when my kids are refusing to puke IN the bucket but rather on the 16 stuffed animals they insist on having in their bed – there are women who can understand that in complete empathy and compassion I can firmly say, “Now lay down and puke HERE.” And when they are teenagers... we will be there together too.

Dear new babies - welcome.

Dear new mommies – you've got my number.

P.S. Sam and Andrea.... photos? Maybe a mobile upload even?
P.P.S. If I have already messed up your kid's birthdate please email me the correct one... it got a little confusing :)

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