Sunday, September 26, 2010

"You should have seen it six months ago"

Last night we took some friends down into the basement and one of them who was an intregal part of the memorial day sand blasting, said to one who hadn't seen it at it's worst, "You should have DOWN here six months ago." I was walking in front of them and thought he was speaking to me and said, "You should have been DONE here six months ago." He's lucky I'm slow to the draw or he would have had a bloody lip. After I figured out waht he had actually said - I just started laughing. Six months. Things are going well. We have learned SO MUCH. There may be light at the end of the tunnel.... probably somewhere around the time you'll be hanging your Christmas lights... but light is coming and here's a preview:

Each of the three bedrooms has it' own double-sided desk.

This little area is getting a makeover... much more of that later! Jarod just put up these 2 metal panels this afternoon - in all he has 26 more to go at 9 screws into concrete for each one - YIKES!

Here is the old living room now kitchen. We got the cabinets for $100/ the fridge and stove for $350, a friend gave us materials for counter tops - so we should have a pretty functional kitchen for under $800. That is a miracle. You gotta hang on to those.

We still have to put the sink and toilet back in this bathroom and finish the window and ceiling but I can see improvement - can't you?

From kitchen sink to cute little 1/2 bath - that's so small I can't even get in there to get a whole photo. But it is cute - trust me.

And the stair well... the photo doesn't do the change justice... but we have new carpet and it just makes me feel so CLOSE.... to finished

There have been set backs:

Like the "durable floors" who need to give their stain sealing recipe to Crayola - to make a MORE washable marker. Our floor color comes off in a good rain (oh yeah and we are trying to keep the rain from coming IN).

Because if we don't stop the moisture there is no way to stop THIS from happening to the new paint. Thank you efflorescence - you can be going now.)

And there is still plenty more work to be done - here is the trim waiting to be hung by the sheet metal - and those black things by the wall are the cushions to my restaurant booth waiting to be installed... and the list goes on and on...

But there is a ton of other work that has been done - not listed. Like my dad's 3 days he spent making window well covers - and the pool Jay has dug in our side yard - and trees I have cut down (unsupervised...uuuuppppssss) .... The outdoor pictures will be coming in a few weeks... we are loving this fall weather!!

1 comment:

The Tarka Family said...

You guys are just fearless. I will always be jealous of your fearlessness!!

BTW, I was at Montavilla park today with the girls and missed you guys and remembered all the times we jogged around the Multnomah block in the rain.