Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What I'll never do

I have said to myself, “When this house project is finished I will...

clip coupons
bathe more regularly
do my hair
clean the bathroom once a week (although it gets a lot less gross when I am not washing and brushing my hair)
make homemade bread
grow house plants... maybe even a pineapple indoors
volunteer at Jude's school
visit Vicki
lead a Bible study
hold an English class
go on date nights with Jarod once a month
hold game nights
Volunteer at Bethesda
Work nights at the Mary Elizabeth home
Learn how to use a camera – for real
have a HUGE garden
have a perfect lawn
entertain in my perfect lawn
take “our girls” on weekend road trips
put up produce from my perfect huge garden
have tea with the moms in Jude's class
make fun cupcakes
make crafty “just because” gifts for my friends and anyone I think needs love
audit college classes
make homemade laundry and dish soap
write more interesting blogs
teach children's Sunday school at the Spanish church
get involved with the Chinese organization
get in touch with old friends (Yes, Call YOU)
practice my Spanish
do Yoga
go to Zumba
read a Newspaper... maybe even a political magazine once a week
did I mention clip coupons?”

And today I realized... that I don't spend THAT much time in the basement... and since I don't smoke crack, take meth or speed (or even a high quality B vitamin for that matter)... this is all a big delusion. And then I thought to myself, “how deep does this delusion run?”

Well.... one thing I never even pretended that someday I might do is - iron. I think I'll throw the ironing board in the dumpster next week – because let's face it – if it didn't make this list I don't need to worry about it EVER happening.

So... how about you? What things will you do when you have more time? And what things should I just delete off this list?

**** Note: I wrote this on Friday... then Monday and Today I have a had a weird stomach flu thing and have been nauseously laying in bed saying, "Sorry God... I'd rather be working in the basement, folding laundry, taking my kids to music class, having family over for dinner, and feeling my wonderful healthy self that doesn't get as much done as I'd like." The ability to do SOMETHING each day - no longer taken for granted. Prayers for the chronically ill - added to my list... and I can even say those in the basement :)


Anonymous said...

When I have more time I will paint the kid's picnic table. Scrapbook the first year of each of my kid's lives. (Izaac's is almost done!) Organize the basement. Attend a Bible study with you. Go to yoga and zumba. Spend more time with teenagers. Have regular date nights. Learn thai. Learn more vegetarian recipes. Read books. I will never have time. I may have to pay someone to scrapbook for me and hopefully we are able to use the painted picnic table before I am forced to learn thai in Thailand!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny, my list sounds so much like yours! At the top is "make photo album of Logan before baby arrives..."


The Tarka Family said...

I think we have almost the exact same list! My thoughts on your list: I DO clip coupons. Zumba has made it to Kansas?? By Chinese organization do you mean communism??

I think both of us need to learn to just be content in our present phase of life. To enjoy it and relish it and wish for nothing else.

Now if I could just get to printing those pictures to put in the frames I bought in June... :)