Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rock throwers

Today, I was driving behind some guy with a bumper sticker and I thought, “I want to throw a rock at him.”

I don't usually have those thoughts. Huh.

It was strange, but I think there are whole groups of people I might want to throw rocks at if given the opportunity. That is really bad and I think I will make it a matter of serious prayer. I didn't know I was a rock thrower.

But also I feel as though I have gained a whole new perspective on the conflicts in the Middle East and on Jesus' explanation that to hate is to murder. Because hatful people throw rocks and start wars and lead to general not-peace on earth. That would be ME on the way home from Christian kindergarten. What a day.

Have a good week. Next week I will be introducing you to some people I do NOT want to throw rocks at.... at least most of the time. :)

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