Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"holiday" Survived

Well, we survived the tornado of last week and the sandstorm of this week. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Friday night....

"sealing off the upstairs" - Jude says, "stand back mom - this is a job for me!"... and I can kind of tell a five year old did it by how much dust settled over this place.

Saturday morning...

Dad "going in"

by Saturday at noon the fire department had been called and our insurance company drove by REALLY slow... as did almost everyone who drove by that day.

Saturday night....

It's kind of a mess...

Monday night...

When one is just as likely as turn their house into a beach as a livable apartment you start to feel a little desperate


(Same spot as the sand art - only with well used tools!)

I am telling you people - I wouldn’t trade our family for ANYTHING. 2 tons of sand, dirt and paint chips in 4 hours. They rock!

We also had a close call with a 20K window expenditure but a really nice city inspector told me everything I needed to hear to put my little freakin’ out heart to rest.

Jessie moved in the last night after the kids were in bed and left for work this morning before they were up, so I am looking forward to the next few weeks of getting to know her.... and adjusting to life that is a little more multifaceted. I better go cook dinner... that actually sounds so relaxing.

Here are a few photos of the house - the day we got our first student: It ain't done - but it is home. I know - I have already dusted it a half dozen times.

Laundry room


Kid's room

Guest room

Women's "Loft"

Back entrance

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