Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Coming back

So how are you? I really want to know. I feel like I am climbing out of this all-absorbing-self focus hole we dug.... but it is a long climb... and I hadn’t wanted to admit how far down we were.
Sure, most of our family conversations still either begin or end with something to do with the house. Our “free time” is still absorbed by internet search of price comparing ventilation systems and concrete sealers. There is a 40 hour work week - on top of the 40 hour work week (but that is a cut back). And my poor father is still spending more “quality time” with me grinding tar off basement floors than I am sure he ever imagined.
And yes, we have been changed by this. I have biceps for the first time in my life. I am on a first name basis with 5 guys at the hardware store and I have home depot’s phone number memorized. We know about strippers, grinders, and blasters now. And we have plenty more to learn. There is a long journey ahead of us, but this week the house fit into life - instead of the other way around.
There was a full week of home cooked meals, 2 baby showers, Vacation Bible School, daily drop-ins of various international students, cousin sleep-overs, trips to the pool, park, museum and a relay for life. Life “after” the house project was an illusion - but life during the house project ... may yet be a possibility - IF you’ll have us.

All that to say... I haven't yet remembered to take PHOTOS of life outside the house project... but maybe next week - you gotta be patient with me.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

You will never cease to amaze me how you always can do it ALL and do it all with grace. Much love.