Tuesday, June 29, 2010

slightly desperate

This was Lucy's stuffed puppy.

These were white.

That's how good I am at laundry.
That will teach Lucy to take off her diaper and then pee in her bed.

This is how I babysit... "only 30 more buckets kids."

This is our crowd to watch "Money Pit" - the first movie showing on Jarod's father's day TV - which I let the kid's purchase with their savings. (Hey it was a great buy, perfect timing, and they had the cash!)

The pictures of the remodel this week are highly top secret ... things got a little out of hand - but no one died... although I swore Uncle Donny was digging his own grave at one point.

I think I should change the name of my blog: "The chronicles of a slightly desperate housewife and below par mother."


cpreston said...

poor puppy! Maybe I should make her a new puppy!

Amanda Tippy said...

It wasn't your's Carol. Probably some Ratty thing given to my children at a garage sale while I wasn't watching!