Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 deadly sins of home ownership (so far)

While we have learned many beautiful lessons during our brief time as home owners (chiefly gratitude), we have also learned some very hideous things about our nature that had thus far been very well “controlled.” But alas, humility awaits on the other side of the slough of despair. And we forever wait at the foot of the cross, knowing that without His grace the very best things in our lives do nothing but bring out our own evil.

Gluttony. Though we have both lost weight in the last 5 weeks it is more due to McDonald’s induced malnutrition than under eating. The low points of the junk food inhalation were a dinner of cold leftover fried chicken skin, and two consecutive mornings of the breakfast of champions - “late night jalepino dorritos.” Also, you will not necessarily die from eating Pizza hut meat lovers pizza that has been left out all night.

Child neglect. The kid’s child care has been next to none over the last few weeks. Kuddos to all involved. But - we want them back. I am again humbled by the blessing of abundant time Jarod and I have always had with our children. Also I am putting it in writing - I am not woman enough to have full time job and children. How do you people do it? When I am dead tired and pick them up at 7 p.m. the 2 hours before the crawl into bed is a torture of (normally joyous) questions, requests, discoveries, and dialogue.
SHUT UP!!! That’s all I think when I’m tired.

Severe myopic perspective. There was an earthquake in China? I am painting this trim. Your father has cancer? I am painting this trim. Your husband hasn’t spoken to you in 3 days? I am painting this trim. You are dealing with some issues from childhood that are breaking you and your parent’s hearts? There were bombing and volcanos this week in the news? You had a baby? Well, I’m sorry, I’m busy painting this trim and well if it doesn’t turn out just right... well then, well then... SERIOUSLY. How can I care so flippin’ much about something SO unimportant? I don’t know, but I can. Sit anything in front of me for enough hours and it becomes the world. It’s really very frightening.

Self centeredness. Piggy backing off of my unimportant trim, let’s move on to ME, MYSELF and I. It is as if I have to continually remind myself that the lives of everyone I know haven’t revolved around my house for 5 weeks. That life went on. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bruce went to Cancun? - well I missed that. And about a million other little things. Like that Saturday, the day I wanted to move, is Katie’s birthday, and when she called to invite me a party I almost wanted to whine, “But you can’t have a birthday then...” But she can, cause life goes on without me, wether I want it to or not.

Arrogance. Hummm.. wasn’t that quite apparent in the last one? But to add insult to injury, I am not only “me” obsessive about those outside my house project, I am “me” obsessive about everyone helping too. “you put that down and help me do this,” - “No, do this first, not that, ‘cause then I can do that other thing that I want to do” - “My way is the right way and that was a dumb idea.” And I am sure the effects of my arrogance are much more far reaching than I would like to think, “Oh, I am too busy to rinse out these rollers, or clean out these pans - my convenience is more important than the environment right now.”

Impatience. We will not be moving until next Tues. 6 weeks. Not 5. And I am not very gracious about that.

Coveting. I fill online shopping carts for fun now. I cannot go to bed without checking the local online classifieds. Jarod is trying to buy gas stoves in 4 different states and can hardly walk into a store with electronics without eyeing the TV’s. I sent my sister-in-law to search through more than stories of an old hotel looking for cheap furniture. I can’t possibly make a list of all the things I want - and 5 weeks ago, they had never crossed my mind.

Besides recognizing our sinfulness in a whole new way - we have refinished floors this week. Almost 3,000 sq. ft of floors.
Here is a preview of some before and after shots:

The stairs:

The kid's room:

1 comment:

christina said...

gotta love home owner ship... Good Luck and Best wishes as you move in and finally live in your own home :-)