Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not nothing to say

I think this is the first week since I have started blogging that I intentionally missed a Monday post. But many of you worry when I am a day late - so here it is: It is not that I have nothing to say but that I have too many intense emotions and scattered thoughts and not ANY time to organize them into a coherent thought. But that needs to end soon because I just found out that we are moving to the jungle here there will be no internet or phone access in the foreseeable future... so I need to catch you all up on the insanity soon... but we'll see...
maybe I could tell you all about Dru, our 15 year old friend, who is return to Honduras with us.
I could tell you about Lucy beginning to talk
or the hours Jude has spent playing with Grandparents, friends and cousins... and the 100's of times he has told us he doesn't want to return
or I could tell you how that makes me feel
I could tell you about my dear friends getting married or friends and family who are struggling
but right now Jude is dog-piling his sister and the laughter is reaching the level where you KNOW someone is going to be crying any minute.
I'll go switch the laundry over... now how is this possible that with a washing machine I feel as though I have less free time than I did in Honduras?

All this to say... my consistency in communication may wane... don't worry... but write me. OFTEN.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girl! Good to hear you are having a busy time there! I hear you have tickets to come back! So how long are you going to be in La Ceiba before you head out to the jungle?