Monday, May 4, 2009

The Plan

It has arrived. Do to none of my stress and sleepless nights, because, "Who by worrying can add a single hair to their heads?" (Matthew 6) Not I, but I try.

We have 2 homes scheduled for our next six months in honduras. We have a month of school planned followed by 5 months working the jungle with Jason and Sarah Furrow of Give Hope 2 Kids. So next Sunday the Tippy Family + our friend Dru Stopes will leave for Wichita where we will board a plane at 5:30 a.m. on Monday and arrive in La Ceiba at 11:00 p.m. Thanks to our amazing friends the McCanns, we have a home and after a week of settling in, showing Dru around and hopefully purchasing a vehicle, we will begin Spanish study once again (We are pretty sure our teacher is gonna beat us for all we have forgotten.)
Then off to Urraco it is, to spend 5 months immersed in jungle village life and to help establish a mostly self-sustaining orphanage that is in the start up phase. We know it will be a learning experience for us; working first hand in the language and culture, as well as learning different construction, irrigation, agricultural, and parenting principles. We hope we will bring not only our willing hands to serve this project but we are looking so forward to being able to be in on the ground level of establishing a home environment for over 80 children that is built on Biblical principles of love for our Creator, Savior, and Sustainer, and love for the world in which we are placed.
And of course, by my nature I focus on the future instead of focusing on the amazing moments that have surrounded our life here for the last 6 weeks. I do not take these for granted: Who could?

The 4 stooges after the wedding

The pinata finally meeting it's intended end. It did not disappoint.

In life you only need one friend like this. And they were a great help setting up for the wedding photo shoot.

"Jude's" park revisited

DRU. Are we ready for this?

Inside an inflatable playground at the AWANA picnic

Jude and Laurel playing "swords" in Iowa.

Lucy with Kristi

Our niece Maysyn

Maysyn being freaked out by her cousin and uncle

Grammee's reading chair

Grandma beads and the "blind" glasses

Grandpa Tom with Lucy in my old gnome hat

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