Monday, September 1, 2008

The End of summer

Here’s a recap of our summer.

We had a baby......Yep. That’s pretty much it for me.

No seriously, it has been great – if you will notice by these photos.

Jude started skiing on dad’s back (I just haven’t gotten to see it yet.) I lost my tan months ago but our mosquito bites keep increasing as we tend to go out in the morning and evenings when it is cooler and more buggy. Here's some super recent shots of our church potluck yesterday (so much food out of everyone's gardens... I think it was the best ever.)

We don’t live our life based on semesters and school holidays (at least for one more year) but it is starting to feel a little fallish –so let’s call it a season and move on. Here’s what’s on tap for Autumn:

1. Jude is NOT attending school. Much to his chagrin and my mother’s elation: head start was full. With tears in his eyes he said, “Why don’t they want me?”, “I have an idea maybe if we move to a new town they’ll have room for me.” And while something like a move may be in the works for us the beginning of next year – this fall … he’s still all mine. Actually, I’m letting one of the youth group take him to the high school once a week for an hour for a child development class… so much for safety.

2. Our schedule is back to normal.I’ve found the key to getting around with 2 kids is just to put Lucy down for her naps in something movable like a sling or car seat. Is that bad? (And I am healthy and am hoping to get in one ski run before it turns freezing.)

3. Jarod will be back to his motorcycle rebuild after a disastrous Saturday in which all of his previous work was foiled by a leaky gas tank. But it was looking real good there for 10 minutes...So much for family time...

4. Jarod’s brother headed down to Louisiana this morning with the reserves… to help out with Gustav… who knows how long he’ll be gone. And speaking of politics, I am completely boycotting the news during this election year… it’s driving me nuts. (But I did finish Jesus for President and would love to discuss it with someone… anyone… I have no idea who the targeted readership for this book is –unless there are way more new monastics and neo-Amish out there than I thought.)

Ok... and blogger isn't working so I can't upload the awesome footage from our holiday... maybe I'll try later this week.


Anonymous said...

From Andrea: Lucy looks SO like a perfect little doll in that pic with your mom! I can't WAIT to meet that sweet little girl! :)

A message from Micah, who tried to type on the keyboard throughout the entire time I wrote this (arrrrgh!) :

898SE8WQ8W8q 2/--eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeww-qw-q-lqo-;:s;2;ccccccccc/qgcdfb b/

Anonymous said...

I'm familiar with Jesus for President (cute website too) through reading the God's Politics Blog run by Sojourners. Shane Claibourne and Jim Wallis's views often resonate with mine.

Glad to read up on all that's been going on.
