That same night Jude went to his first “slumber party” with our friends the Lowerys. He was super excited but then when the wind did some funny suction thing and blew in a window he was kinda’ thinking he wanted to come home. But after some popcorn and a movie he fell fast asleep – not thinking of us until the next morning, and then only fleetingly until they brought on the doughnuts.
We pulled him away from the doughnuts to go to the museum on Saturday to see the new dinosaur exhibit... and as always it is one of my greatest joys to hear Jude talk about all these dinosaurs I can't even pronounce.
Thursday night was the year-end program at High Plains Christian school and I got the chance to see my 9 favorite adolescents (I could write a book about how NOT good I am with this age group) perform a fun little “science” play that I wrote. They did a good job and I am just evil enough that I took great pleasure in seeing them all in outrageous costuming.
We spent Sunday afternoon and part of this afternoon out at Bethesda and Jude is back on his four-wheeler and Jude and the Lowery kids christened the beginning of pool season. (Notice Tom is the only adult in the pool and that he has a wet suit on). It’s unbelievable the way kids can deal with the cold.
I lost track of our thunderstorms and tornadoes. One was about a mile away one day, then one (or two?) 10 miles away the next.. Geez. You wouldn't think there would be this many tornadoes in Wyoming!
I am so glad that we got to take part in Jude's first sleep over. We don't ever want him far from Hays or Thailand or from wherever our children end up! I am enjoying your blog. Love, The Lowerys
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