Tuesday, July 12, 2011

For the sake of amnesia

I obviously don't make the time to be keep a decent blog – hence the blog I have. But I have it - because I know the dark truth about mommy amnesia. You see, I have friends with babies – friends who are potty training and friends who are fighting weird baby health issues and normal 2 year old behavioral problems. I don't actually remember any of that stuff – I know it was only a couple of years ago – and I think it was hard – but I honestly don't remember.
I also know about ministry amnesia. I know people who are discouraged by tough finances, delayed deadlines, non-responsive people, overly demanding people, dashed expectations, building plans gone awry, and spiritual lives drained to the dregs. Those times are so demanding that as soon as you leave them you develop amnesia. Like you block out all memories that were moments more than you could handle, (sometimes I wonder how my mother-in-law, raising for kids by herself, has any memory at all).
I want to chronicle the “too-much” moments in my life so that I can be gracious to those who are currently living them in theirs. I never want to give the "always-running late mom" a look of, “get it together.” I never want to give the crying pastor's wife the look of, “dry up.” So I blog to help cure my amnesia.
I also know – from too many desperate conversations, that in the midst of difficulty... of the dropping naps or bringing in new people adjustment moments – we forget to see the people. We miss the joy of the moments. So I may miss them while they are happening but I will at least force myself to sit down and chronicle them here. “The documentation,” as Alison puts it, “is so extensive – more than anyone has.” Yes, that is true, but this documentation... may it be a tool to make me humble and gracious and thankful ALWAYS.

Documentation: While typing this - I disciplined at my daughter for jumping on her bed while she was supposed to be napping, gave up on forcing my niece to eat eggs, facebook messaged two Chinese students who have been awaiting my response for over two weeks, and successfully avoided cleaning out those closets and scrubbing my floors – yet again. Also, we buried a turtle this morning and contracted someone to paint our trim, because I am OBVIOUSLY NOT getting that done. But I really should work on the Western Kansas freelance brochure I have been contracted for... to offset the $ to paint the house trim. Yes, let's all have a good laugh – I am going to “advertise” Western Kansas. Hypocrite? Actually – I am happy here- why couldn't someone – ANYONE else be?

Jude got to pitch the first pitch in a local semi-pro baseball game.

Lucy got a free hotdog while her brother pitched - and these photos reminded me so much of a photo on my blog 3 years ago - Jude -after a hot dog - age 3.

Here are some photos from my NJ cousins' trip to KS - it is a good thing I have these two photos because when I downloaded them I was seriously surprised to remember that this little trip had happened just last month.

Here's our pond before it got too scummy... there will be no more pictures of it - I'd rather have amnesia.

Here are the kids with their "homemade R2D2"

This is my only good photo of a 5 days AMAZING visit from the Bernard family. The better photographer is sending my proper documentation of the whole event :).


some Documentation of our 2 day colorado family get-away. Look closely because it may be the last trip we ever take our kids on - they prefer the grandparents who buy more tokens and ice cream and have fewer picnic lunches and required naps.

I like required naps - I also apparently like leftover strawberry birthday cake - I just ate two whole pieces - straight from the pan - dirtying six forks because all I wanted was "one bite" each time. Documented. Note to self: next time just get a plate.

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