Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 2

Tip of the week - the value of a $12 paint brush is far more than the extra $10 you might think you are spending.

Also, I could make an advertisement for my Uncle Donny’s sheet-rocking and mudding skills. I could make an add for John’s painting skills - and I think by the time I am done with this place - for my own. It really is all about practice.

And, if you ever wonder why people paint their houses such hideous colors it might be because they just got tired of painting white. All I want for today is to paint the kid’s room green. I just want to paint green. Is that so much to ask?

Somehow in the midst of this mess we managed to go to a fun Chinese birthday party, watch Jude play his first soccer game (I use the term ‘play’ quite loosely) and Jarod took Jude to “How to train your dragon” - his first movie in a theater. And we made and mailed out our rental advertisement today - so ready or not our house is open for business!

We also had the distinct privilege of spending a Sunday afternoon in the Bethesda “chair cemetery.” I always knew my family had a place they put all of their half broken miss matched chairs - I just never knew it would come in so handy. After 3 hours of searching the 2 sheds and 5 homes we came away with a list of over 35 items to fill our house. GO PACKRATS!

Oh, and we also bought a fridge and stove from the classifieds - that turns out - DON’T fit in our kitchen. So, if anyone would like some appliances give us a call - otherwise looks like we will be starting our own collection of “could-be-useful-to-someone-some-day” junk in our new garage.

And finally - today Jude and Grandpa Bob will watch #3 - their final Starwars in the series. And it has officially made my son annoying to speak with - because, “NO, I do not have a forcefield.”

In no particular order but with explanations:

Jude and Paul spent Friday morning ripping out the old paper from inside kitchen cabinets. I have the video.. it is worth a watch but I am way too tired to figure out how to upload.

Do you like the dust as Jarod demolishes the lath and plaster in the bathroom? And then here is dad on his 4th hour of making little shower built-ins. WHEN OH WHEN will I learn to stop asking for complicated cute things???

The progress of our bedroom this week.

Dru and Jarod laying the hardybacker for the kitchen tile... we must say Dru's high school shop classes seem to have been worth your taxpayer dollars.

Look closely at Jude's face in the first photo - that is really about how intent he was the whole time... the second photo actually makes it look like he is playing.

Yes - he does do whatever she says and yes those are the same suspenders he wore when I was her age. Rainbow suspenders never go out of style I guess :).

And... happy easter from my two little hams...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy! that's what i take away from your post!
congrats! it looks like a wonderful spring in KS!