Sunday, April 25, 2010

A few things

So, about this week.

I wrecked my dad's truck - which is the second time I have wrecked one of his trucks. I am writing off truck driving forever.
Which is a shame because I now get the "contractor's discount" at the local hardware store. So if you need a connection *cha-ching* - I'm IT- but if you are buying things on a large scale you'll have to bring your own truck. Because like I said- I'm done with those.
Finally, I worked until my fingers bled this week. I always thought that was a figure of speech but NO. I had to put gloves on so the blood wouldn't get in my alabaster grout. I think I should get points for that or something - but I don't know who is giving the points. I suppose someone would think they should give Jarod and my dad points for sanding floors at 11 p.m. too. But I don't. I hate that we are sanding floors and sadly it shows in my attitude this week.
But - we are surviving - mostly because Dairy Queen blizzards are buy 1 get 1 for 25 cents this week.

P.S. No one was seriously injured in any of the above mentioned activities, but I am sure we are all worse for the wear and excessive ice cream eating.

pictures and a real post will be up on Tuesday and tomorrow is the last day of the Blizzard deal.

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