Prov. 12:15 The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
Prov 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
First, this house was built by North Americans. People who didn't know the climate, the bugs, or the fungi. They 'knew' what they wanted; what they liked – wood, windows, and air conditioners. The ever present stench of mold is a good reminder that humility is a good thing. They could have asked around, gotten advice, settled for 'different' and avoided a lot of trouble. We could all do the same, as we enter this world.... we have never been here before - but my children are proof that from day 1 we “know” what we want. They, and I, would do well to ask for some advice from someone who has been around awhile, or maybe even from the Creator – because the climate of life is a force to be reckoned with... even more than fungi.
Second, delayed maintenance is not maintenance at all – it is destruction. Things like termites and rot can not be 'dealt with tomorrow.' Or you get things like this:
It ain't pretty. We've all got relationship issues, personal struggles, or major crouching character flaws that we try to ignore until the damage is so apparent it is unrepairable. Like my house... there are so many things in my life that would have been easier to take care of yesterday.
So, that's it. Those are my thoughts from 5 hrs. of cleaning while the boys were off exploring the city. Things are good here - pretty much back to normal. We even found a truck – which is amazing! (and right now the boys are macheteing an area to park it in) Our house has been full of friends since we got back and our avocado seed even sprouted while we were gone and I think Dru and are going to start some sweet potatoes today. We have internet now – for a month – so we'll be in touch.
P.S. This is the photo of the day - Jude loves the fact that the bathroom has hole where the door-handle to bathroom is suppose to be - right at his eye level so he can make sure that 'that is really where Dru is' - if he hasn't seen him in a few minutes. (Welcome to a family with a 4 year old) (STAGED PHOTO)
1 comment:
Hi Amanda,
Glad to hear you are doing ok in Honduras. I hear what you are saying about house maintenance. Reminds me to be gateful for my dad who it seems like can fix almost anything that needs to be done. He and Mom got home from Houstond late last night, so it is good to have them back. They came over for lunch, but went home after about an hour as Mom was getting tired. She still has a sore mouth and tires easily, but Lord willing that will get better in time. The prognosis for now is good and the doctors say that unless something unexpected comes up, she is done with both chemo and radiation. Praise the Lord for His goodness!
Tonight we went to your parents house to meet with Garen and the international students. We are having 5 of them stay with us tonight. I had intended to invite them to play a game with us or something, but as soon as we showed them where the guest bedrooms and bathrooms were, the started getting ready for showers and bed with the comment that tomorrow would be an early morning (meeting the others at McDonalds at 6am) so I decided to take a hint and head back upstairs. Oh well.
That's about all I can think of to write about right now, so will look forward to hearing about all your adventures both good and bad. Know that we all think and pray for you often,
Tracy Mintzmyer
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