Friday, March 13, 2009

Just can't express...

A writer friend of mine once said that, "if you are going to start with those words, don't bother writing." And following that advice, I didn't blog last week, but today I realized that continuing with that advice would quickly lead me to a very bad place called incommunicado extranjero, for as long as we are at home in Honduras.

Which, as it turns out, is exactly what I can't express - How at home we are in Honduras, and how clueless we are as to how long that will remain to be. You see, in the last 10 days we formed a plan. A good plan. A solid plan. A plan built around comfort and the 'known'. Buy plane tickets for April 27th, return to Kansas for 2 weeks and a wedding, then return to our same comfy little cozy house in our comfy neighborhood surrounded by our new found friends, schools, and even the yummy cheap cheddar cheese that we discovered. But that's all gone now... even the cheddar cheese. Our food life is in turmoil once again, but that is the least of our worries. Because last friday our son had a TOTAL melt down at school, refusing to return to class and instead opting to laying in his bed for 3 1/2 hours. Then we found out that our landlady is kicking us out at the end of this month, and now that our 'resolved' visa situation is unresolved.

There are of course 1,000 tiny details to throw into this like; language school payment,an even greater desire to learn Spanish, tons of open ministry opportunities, new found abundant finances, plane tickets, etc. that make the whole decision making process look even more daunting, but in the midst of all this 'unsettling' we have just realized how settled we are. We had the week off school so we thought we would just take a quick trip to see Chrissy out on the Island which was amazing but we missed things here... we missed people... and tonight at Jude's 4th birthday party, surrounded by really good friends we realized that if we leave here in 2 weeks - we are leaving another home. Will you please pray with us about where our next one will be? Because tomorrow we go on yet another adventure, with yet a new couple of friends to search out yet another possible home (I'm promise I'll write about the inexpressible journey next week). But tonight - I'm really feeling like I could live here with my mildewy towels and without cheddar cheese in complete peace.

Oh yeah, but I' can't - because the known is just never an option for us. Never.

Here's proof that we're not crazy... it's a good life.


Unknown said...

Wow you guys! This is sad news indeed. I'm sure you will keep us posted, and make sure it's in prayer this week - especially mention it at bible study.

Anonymous said...

Sorry things are difficult. We have friends here this week, but call anyways. We love you and we're praying for you! Love-The Lowerys