Monday, July 14, 2008

never inevitable

(HOW I WRITE MY BLOG – Whatever has been on my mind all week and finds it’s way to the keyboard in 15 minutes – SO HANG ON.)

Nice trip down memory lane though – photo of Jude with Jarod days after he was born and photo of the two on Hugo’s due date.

This week has brought nothing that was originally expected… namely a baby that is now 4 days overdue and showing no signs of hurry. And in contrast to being surrounded by new life and it’s joys, we found ourselves in the midst of a funeral – a funeral of 1,100 people come to pay tribute to the life of our amazing friend. We saw friends that we hadn’t seen in almost a decade (am I old enough to say that?) and “caught up” on life stories that to this point we had only been imagining. And may I just say that I am far too hormonal for any of this.

And it hit me this week that I have become too comfortable with the idea of the “inevitability” of my “good life.” Some of our friends have come upon bad times. Friends much smarter than us are in great debt. Friends far more humorous than us have found themselves lonely. Friends far more talented than us are at dead-end jobs. And as they laughed and smiled about how, “Good we looked” and “how good life was treating us,” and how they all just knew, “we’d be happy together forever,” I couldn’t help but be humbled anew that it is only by God’s grace that we indeed are truly and deeply happy. And the hard times may come – maybe this baby will be deformed and maybe we will make some financial decisions that destroy us forever and maybe, even maybe one of us will be murdered. But thus far God’s grace has been sufficient and may it ever be. My good life was not inevitable - it is a miracle. Now if I can just spread the miracle….

So here are some moments of joy from even the last two weeks…

Few things in life make me happier than seeing Jarod with his friend Pete from "back in the day," our friend Casper or with his sister... his skin and smile just seems to fit better when he is with them.

And I have some pretty cool friends myself...

Not only does this picture remind me that Kansas contains true beauty but it is hilarious to know that some not very bright people have been convinced that Ks is doing it's part to stop global warming by putting up very large fans to cool things down

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