Monday, July 21, 2008

I have some photos...


You have no idea how long winded I could be about this week but I think I'll just let the photos speak for themselves... mostly... Here are some of my favorites... (you can click to enlarge and comment at the end)

My mom even brought my 92 year old grandma in to meet her... and it went really well. It just amazes me how much the simple existence of a newborn makes everyone else's life better.

Some people say they look just alike - others don't think they do at all - I don't know... you decide

Hey - look what I grew over the weekend!

Last but not least, I have decided that the new theme song for my life is the Veggie Tales, "We are the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" - Now I haven't seen the movie and I am not a fan of the VT in general but that song cracks me up. Considering Jude's obsession with pirates, and the fact the Lucy usual only has one eye open (like a pirate Jude says) and the fact that I was barely presentable to the world by 3 this afternoon... and I CAN'T DO ANYTHING with this incision .... I have decided the three of us will do nothing for a very long time to come. So feel free to come on by and join us....


Tippy said...

You are going to have to change the banner, unless of course you're looking to play favorites :) I haven't even met her and she looks like she looks like she's a spitfire, like she's going to take a fiery revenge on Jude's firemen (soldiers) after they raid her Barbie-ville.
I especially love the picture with the tomato and the caption.
I can't wait to meet Hugo! But I guess I will just make it tradition to not meet the newbies til they've got at least a month on 'em.
I'm thinking about you guys all the time, but I know you haven't devolved enough you can't handle it :)

The Tarka Family said...

I think Jude looks like Amanda and Lucy looks like Jarod.