Friday, April 4, 2014

The unfortunate

Many things are unfortunate …

For example - the fact that it is now cheaper to buy pre-packaged lasagna than to buy the ingredients.  The fact that, at this rate - teaching my kids to cook is probably an obsolete skill - since when they are 30 it will be cheaper to be injected with nutrition or something.   Or, the fact that, to make said cheap lasagna it must be chalk-full of heaven-knows-what because it for sure isn’t cheese, meat and tomatoes - that costs more than $7.98.  That’s all unfortunate.

It’s unfortunate that people get old.  That, in my case, my entire stinky family is getting old at one time. Falling down and breaking things. Straining things. Finding spots where they shouldn’t be and wishing muscle was where it once was. Old age is quite unfortunate.

It’s unfortunate that to give teachers job security we invented this whole tenured thing.  And then when our budget is a mess we are forced into firing all the great ones and are stuck with some folks… that ... how shall I say it? ... Ought to be put out to pasture. Yes, that is unfortunate for our children.  Goodbye incredible, passionate, energetic, young teachers.. and may you find a job in a wealthier district.  

Also… the entire movie Noah… the whole thing is unfortunate.

And entire lost airplanes?

It’s unfortunate that Hays is now officially a desert and we must decide if we should count on it always being a desert and go ahead and kill off all of our trees and plants by refusing them water - or go ahead and water and then not be able to flush our toilets next year.  Either way is unfortunate I think. And this lack of moisture only adds a little perspective to the unfortunate fact that is currently SNOWING… April 3rd.

It’s unfortunate that 22 suitcases does not a home make.  Nor a house with a mortgage, 3 couches, and dishwasher.  Home is made by people loving each other - day-in-day-out in a place.  And day-in-day-out takes along time… years really.  And that’s unfortunate, because when you leave one home it may be a while till you can rest your head in a new one.

It’s unfortunate that there are more jobs where there is more pollution. AKA - my friends won't soon move to Kansas.

It is is unfortunate that the majority of my children’s friends have been exposed to realities I was hoping to shelter them from for …oh… at least another decade.  It is unfortunate that the likelihood of them happening across porn or domestic abuse far exceeds that of them breaking an arm by falling off a jungle gym.  It’s unfortunate that their mother has no idea what to do with that reality.

It’s unfortunate that our plans never really turn out.  Nor or parents’.  And often that leaves us staring into dark future devoid of stars for guidance.

It’s unfortunate that doctors and lawyers cost $50 to speak to and you can’t know if you REALLY need to speak to them until you have.  And the only way to be SURE you needed to talk to them is to NOT talk to them. Those catch 22’s of life - all of them are unfortunate.

And it’s unfortunate that when it rains it pours - all things unfortunate.

And my personality is unfortunate really.  It was Orson Wells who first said that I guess… and considering how “chipper” his work was - I would say, he and I have a great deal in common.  I don’t know if he was a control freak or not. Or if he was so confounded by himself that he couldn’t figure out at any given moment if he were bored or overwhelmed; lonely or in need of solitude.   For years I haven’t been able to tell when I am hungry or full and now it is overflowing to my mental state.  It’s unfortunate. I don’t know if he continually lived in a state of distraction. But I do.  And it is unfortunate.  My personality is unfortunate.  Jarod says it is not.  He likes my personality - it is SO useful.  But he’d just rather not have it.  I think that is the definition of unfortunate: Not all bad.  Not even lacking use.  In fact it might be entirely useful - but awfully uncomfortable for the one experiencing it.

And so… I say I am fortunate… WE are fortunate for the weight of our misfortune.  It leaves us longing.  And when we long for what we were created for - for eternity - for home - for all things made right… perhaps it is the most fortunate of places to be. This is the blessing of the removal of the “Tree of Life” after our participation in the “Tree of Knowledge.”  We know evil and it is not allowed to reign forever.  

The continuity of Biblical imagery astounds me. Humanity’s internal death was marked by this external curse of “pain in childbirth” - initiation into life bringing forth some it’s greatest pain. And then … the entire unfortunate history of humanity and our rejection of God and destruction of ourselves brings us to Romans 8:22-23 “For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.”

And so it is unfortunate that we groan… but how fortunate we are that we ourselves signify that something better is yet to come.  And that it will be worth it…

So, I count myself deeply fortunate today that in all the abundant moments of beauty and delight that I daily live, God is not content to leave me here where shadows of brokenness lurk… but He lets me groan a little. To move us on we must be willing to groan. And thankfully… some things leave us no choice.

And all things fortunate and not weave themselves together in such a tapestry... 

Years of fort building in our living room came to an end last month.  How blessed we were to have the time: how sad to see it go.  Alie doesn't think they'll be "into it" when they are 14... which I didn't have the heart to tell her was a good thing because the moms probably weren't going to allow cross-gender cuddling at that point anyway. :)  Jarod, may however think that we are fortunate to be rid of such messes anyway...

Jude was fortunate enough to have grandparents that not only bought him EXACTLY what he wanted for his birthday but they also put in the time to create an hour long scavenger hunt on a gorgeous spring day.  Too bad when he found his gift... it was a styrofoam sword and pickax which have turned out to be as delicate as I predicted.  It is unfortunate when you cannot hack with your hacking tools.  However, other parents find it unfortunate that our children have their own machetes... so....

It's unfortunate that our daughters inherited our ridiculous capacity for crying.

But it is is anything but unfortunate that we all had so much to cry about...

Slightly ridiculous when every person in our family looses a best friend in the same day.
We will be diversifying friendships from here on out.

I cannot imagine how unfortunate I will feel the day Lucy stops enjoying her ice cream cones and cupcakes with such revelry. However, it will be a BIT disturbing if she eats this way as an adult.

Grammee and Grandpa Tom gave Jude a ski day for his birthday and it was PREFECT. Except for the unfortunate fact that Jude decided to take off his goggles AFTER we applied sunscreen and his parents weren't bright enough to notice.

I am pretty excited that the woman who has coached the guys' basketball team for over 20 years has a son Jude's age and he happens to be in Aikido with Jude and pretty good kid.  I cannot express to you how important it is to have friends who "get" our family... and since this one was raised at our kind of sporting events - he is a keeper! Also - we got gold this year... for, like, the first time in a decade!

It was unfortunate that of the 22 students we sent forth ALL across America on spring break road trips - all but 4 experienced blown tires, car accidents, missed toll booths, and other perils of the road.  But as Jarod says, "Now they have been on a real adventure."  Happy they made it home.  Not sure I am ready to start planning the next trip... but YELLOWSTONE - here we come!!!

My son finds the size of his family unfortunate when it comes to chores.  "Is this 14?"

Waleed was pleased with his cornrows... too bad they didn't last long :)

My children's newest playtime obsession mirrors something of "doomsday preparation" where Jude locks Lucy in the closet for hours where she happily plays with her stuffed animals and chews on baby carrots.  I haven't quite figured out what it is all about... maybe they have just figured out they need a little space from each other... or maybe it really is a good time.  Either way, I'm happy that Jude gives her water and a pocket knife. You know - just in case.   *?* 

I'm bummed that I would make the worst homeschool mom EVER - because on Friday when a group of students went to the homeschool co-op to do a presentation on China... they all seemed like very nice people I'd like to get to know. But alas... I not only DON'T school them at home, I have even found them this awesome Mandarin tutor Albert... and I hope he moves in with us next year!

Super awesome tadpole from our pond.  Lucy's kindergarten is lucky to have us. :)

And Jude and Jarod had some great father-son Sunday afternoon bonding as they made Lucy a wand. It is unfortunate that someone is SURELY going to get their eye poked out.

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