Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday blogs

I miss doing my Monday blogs. Scratch that. I miss having DONE my Monday blogs. They may be lame - but consider it my first draft. Anne Lamott says they get to be - so there.
I am going to fix my face this year. All Asian women who have ever lived in my house will be Relieved! Apparently it has kept them up at night- trying to fix my complexion. It's totally acceptable in Asian culture to make NASTY comments about one's face. Think of it as constructive criticism. It is also advisable to comment on weight gain every .5 lbs. I know - LOVELY. But hey, they are thinner than us and with better complexion. I swear though it is just genetics - so here's to a year's investment to see if I can fix this white girl face.

Other note I would like to make today: the best thing I do as a mom is have bags. I have this one bag by the back door that alternates between swim wear and snow suits- sand toys and craft supplies. It's always there. And then there is the snack bag and the grocery bags and the bags of egg cartons and the things that need to go back to mom. By the front door there are the Maysyn bags and the stuff to Joan bags. The food for friends bags and the bags of packages and letters that go to students and students cousins and sometimes students-cousins-friends. And I use to hate all these bags. But not this year - this year I'm gonna learn to love my bags- just not the ones under my eyes ... Those apparently - have got to GO. I wonder if they make an invisible cream that I could spread on all my other bags? Probably not because then I'd use it on my piles of laundry... And invisible clothing would NOT be good...

See why they don't recommend making stream-of-conscience writing public?

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