People have brought it to my attention that my sarcasm is often difficult to interpret over the internet and through thousands of miles of culture and climate change. Therefore, until I have mastered the art of satire, I have decided to create a life grading system by which you can all judge our current life standing. You can use it to guide your prayer life for us, jealousy level, or worry level – whichever you so choose. The second benefit of this is that once the grading criteria has been established it will be super easy for Jarod to update you all via facebook or blog whenever he gets to internet access (which will be more frequently than I do... and we all know how helpful he will be in keeping in contact through lengthy personal letters.) So here is the grading criteria:
A+ = Perfect health, Jarod and I feeling as though we are in a perpetual honeymoon, perfectly obedient God-fearing children, complete spiritual and social transformation of the community in which we live, millions of dollars, a ministry so successful that Oprah can't help but interview us every few weeks – and the UN keeps asking for our advice on how to facilitate world peace. Just back from a spa vacation and 3 hour full body massage and we aren't even daily missing our loved ones we can't communicate with. And we have discovered that the large bugs and scorpions in our house actually cure cancer and make wonderful crib mates for babies!
Oh wait.... I think I got carried away.
A+ = Healthy, happy, obviously productive, easily learning, building strong deep relationships
B+ = Minor illnesses that that are easily and cheaply treated, semi-exhausted, content and full of faith that God is working even when we can't see it, children who are learning important life lessons but aren't always happy about it, parents who are learning Spanish and important life lessons with an attitude that is a positive influence on those around them, open to relationships even if they are hard to build
C+ = Some ongoing annoying illnesses that are really cutting into life, some real struggles and bad attitudes on the part of us or the children, some ongoing conflicts with friends and neighbors, frustrations with language and ministry, some financial tension and looming uncertainty but we still know we are learning and growing through it all and are trusting that God is conforming us to His image and using us in spite of ourselves. (Hint: now would be a good time to start praying more.)
D+ = Chronic illnesses, obvious dangers (like war or something) major financial difficulties, ongoing discontent, no signs of progress in our personal lives or in the lives of those around us, sever breeches in our family relationships.
F = Either someone died, we are getting a divorce, or we have stopped believing that we are loved and used by a Divine Creator. (Hint: Now would be a good time for an intervention ... but don't blame Honduras – F's happen all the time: Everywhere – they just let us know how much grace we REALLY need.)
So that's it... fret no more. And if you are a really lazy friend who refuses to be faithful in one way communication just drop me a weekly grade for your life as well!