Monday, August 11, 2008

7 years?

Is it really possible that we have been married 7 years today? I have been more reflective about our life and marriage today than I remember being on any other anniversary (maybe because due to nursing a REALLY slow eater I am sitting around more than ever.) However, this is what I have concluded - our life looks nothing like either of us anticipated and in actuallity we are probably not the people we thought we had married - thankfully for us we got married so young we were expecting to "grow up together" and expecting each other to change a lot over the years. And the only thing that has stayed the same is that we still make each other better people. When I married Jarod it was because I saw things in him that I wanted to be more like. As my friend Steph says, "over the years you pull each other toward the middle." And we have... but each year we realize how far apart we started. But the middle is a real nice place to aim for...

We spent the weekend at the Hett family reunion... and this was the family photo after 3/4 the people left. (Aunt Teresa can you email this to Elden and other people? I don't have their addresses. thanks)


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary you two!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL PIX! congrats on the seven years - it does seem like yesterday i was at your sunrise wedding. an inspiring wedding - you did it all exactly how you wanted and I loved it.