Tuesday, September 2, 2014

16 personalities

I'm just going to get this right in the open. I have successfully been avoiding all forms of necessary housework since 8:25 this morning.  It's unlike me - unlike my personality.  I know - because I have MADE everyone I know (ok - literally only 26 people) take this personality test (http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test) in the last two weeks.  

Jarod is not thrilled. I told him he didn't have to be thrilled - just like I am not thrilled when our garage is cluttered with a new tool - but I did want him to recognize it as a "tool."  You know - like maybe an answer to why he accidentally makes all women in his life cry on a regular basis.  Maybe he could work on that.

Just kidding- turns out he has a perfect personality. Which I knew. And it is a the same as Bianca's. Which I knew.  Also my mother-in-law, Maysyn, and Katie all have the same personality of Samwise Gamgee.... who I think is pretty much the best fictional character ever invented. I could have guessed that about all of them.  I guess I just like reading these profiles and being right.  I love being right. I think it is a major defining part of my personality. 

But all that to say- can you please take this personality test and send me your letter results?  Then I can read them, learn more about my friends and family and avoid doing more housework (I'm serious). Because that would be good for me.  Because literally, my results said, "sometimes you should take a break from doing the necessary and pressing things in your life and just write a random holiday blog on a Tuesday afternoon at 1:47 in the afternoon."  Or... something like that.

I haven't made the guys take personality tests yet.  I figure the government gives them enough stupid paperwork to fill out - I should just let them hold the kittens we found in the barn last week. 

Also - I need to sit on my amazing porch swing and watch it lightening absolutely EVERY time God sends such fireworks our way. It is necessary.

I make a wonderful driving teacher - because my car is worthless and I don't really care if I die - and I need a LITTLE bit more of an adrenaline rush than say folding laundry.

Climbing crumbling sandstone cliffs with the family is also a reasonable way to get my kicks.

But ... turns out both Jarod and I would prefer to be alone than with people.  Who knew?

Good thing God surrounds us with SUPER awesome people - every single day.
I think I have someone from every different one of the 16 personality types in my life.... including the super-villian one... but shhhhh... I'm not telling who ;)

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