Monday, September 30, 2013

Let's shut this month down

Life rating A.

So we went ahead and did a second round of the stomach flu this week – just for the heck of it. I am actually hoping we got it out of the way for the rest of the year. But... I seriously doubt it.
Jarod did pass his kidney stone right before … (wait for it!)... he and I went on a wonderful 3 day trip ALONE!! Ohhh... how romantic (and RARE). We went even though Kingson says we are too old to be romantic and kissing in the kitchen makes nine out of ten people in our family uncomfortable.

Sadly, the one it doesn't make uncomfortable is Lucy – not because she is too young to understand it but because she is ALL OVER romance. The other day Jarod and I and the kids were having a little private lunch and the topic of romantic love came up. Jude said the obligatory “yuck” - looked down into his soup pretending not to hear us, and Lucy proudly (and swooningly) proclaimed – “ROMANTIC LOVE - that is what I have for Isaac!!” It was disturbing. Especially because at age 5 this is her fourth proclamation for such emotion (fifth if you count her love for her oedipal father).

So ANYWAY.. we had a great time in Kansas City and Lawrence attending our friend Pete's wedding. And we were all alone – except for the constant companion of Suri. Which I am proud to announce that after the weekend – Jarod has officially dumped his electronic girlfriend. The upgrade apparently makes her entirely useless to him and since she is also not very romantic – I WIN. Also, I think it is good they broke up because he was very abusive to the poor thing. He treats me much better even when I can't find the nearest Starbucks.

In other news - we have pumpkins and gourds coming out our ears and though the beautiful fall weather is delightful enough to put me in a chipper mood even while scrubbing my bathroom floor – it has really kept people away from farmer's market. These people are missing the best of the summer produce, I tell you, but then again with the ½ in of rain we got we have time to put up produce for winter.

Today I am making a big batch of beirocks in honor of Oktoberfest weekend – We made a 20 foot marshmallow roasting pole in preparation for the upcoming bonfire – mom and dad both enjoyed their 45th class reunions – Jarod yelled at only one poor drunken crowd outside of our house throughout the entire homecoming weekend - Jude is pre-testing for his next belt in Aikido – and laundry, bills and October await... 

... and against my better judgement I am considering trashing a bit of time watching our government shut down.  I hate getting political... (mostly because I am nihilistic about the whole thing) - but WHAT IS WITH THESE people??  That last comment I heard was that congress could not accept the healthcare it is placing on others because it would in effect be a massive pay cut and they would have to quit their jobs because they wouldn't be able to "make ends meet".  Who are these people - and did I miss the memo on what ends we are all supposed to be meeting?  So bring on October... with or without a government I guess.  If all of civilization collapses - head on out to the farm - we've got butternut squash soup, some common sense, and we love company.  

Here's the fam for the fall.

The great romantic... milking a fake cow at the state fair.

Hey look - my kids are being nice.
Surprise. Surprise.

Hey look - we are being romantic.
Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.

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