Monday, May 2, 2011

Samari in our home

After dinner, while loading the dishwasher - all too many of us in the one-butt kitchen,

"Amanda, what is samari?" - Salah questions

"Samari?" ... slowly I search for a simple worded answer for Japanese ancient warriors

"My assignment - I have to watch movie - samari."

"Oh the last Samari" - I think, what a strange assignment.. but that is nothing new

And Jarod breaks into a full on explanation of Japanese fighting and when he is about to get to the full body demonstrations in too small a kitchen, with audience - it is Salah's turn to look confused.

"No, I will not watch THAT movie- only ANY movie and write Samari."

"Oh - Summary."

At least five times a day something like this happens around here. So my blog should be better - really there is no excuse.

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